Totnes Freedom March and Protest – Saturday 18th February 2023.
Totnes Freedom March and Protest - Saturday 18th February 2023.
A day in Totnes 18th Feb 2023. Clips
Two Dr's talk - Dr. Sandra Price - the Covid Vaccination programme and the evidence of harm.
Vire Island Talks. Two Dr's talk -Dr Sandra Price is a retired NHS GP from Plymouth with 25 years experience - her she is talking about the increase in all cause mortality since the Covid Vaccination programme and the evidence of harm caused by the jab that does not prohibit transmission of the virus.
Ben Carey talks about the grotesque puppets that rule our world.
Ben Carey talks elequently about the grotesque puppets that dance to the tune of the Elite and explains the truth behind the false narrative expounded by these compromised players.
Natalie and Scott stand up and speak out against the Devon Carbon Plan
Natalie and Scott stand up and speak out against the Devon Carbon Plan and the 15 minute city plans to restrict our freedom of movement and confine us in little local prisons - for our own good and that of the planet - apparently ! Not in my back yard !!
Natalie gives us an update on the hard work of herself and others regarding the Devon Carbon plan. Changes are incoming if we don't stand up.