Talks and presentations from Prof Mike Lister, Dr Stephen Hopwood and WordMagic John on the state of our planet and the shenanigans of the deep state …
Totnes April 15th Freedom March and Demo - BBC interviews and video footage from Marianna Springer and BBC Radio4 who have come to apparently understa…
Rtd. Professor Mike Lister talks about clandestine activities of the C.I.A with insights from a Washington insider plus more. Patrick Henningsen from …
Our Freedom demonstration will begin at approx. 11:00 AM at Rotherfold Square with multiple speakers starting off the days events. We will then peacef…
Totnes Freedom March 17th December 2022 - Watch the videos here. Patrick Henningsen from, Dr Sandra Price - Rtd NHS GP speaking out on Va…
The Awakening seems to be happening before our very eyes. More members of the community coming forward and sharing their enlightening experiences and …